


首页 > 供应产品 > BAISHUIHE 水基润滑添加剂 有机胺酯TPP 用作润湿剂
BAISHUIHE 水基润滑添加剂 有机胺酯TPP 用作润湿剂
产品: 浏览次数:821BAISHUIHE 水基润滑添加剂 有机胺酯TPP 用作润湿剂 
品牌: 百水合
PH值: 8.0-10.0
保质期: 12个月
单价: 23.00元/千克
最小起订量: 30 千克
供货总量: 100000000 千克
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-12-24 06:27
PH值 8.0-10.0
保质期 12个月
产地 德国
型号 TPP






1、组       成 :      胺酯类有机物

2、外       观 :      无色或黄色透明液体

3、有效成份:       96%

4、PH     值:       7-9

5、HLB值:        易水溶性有机物质HLB值比较灵活!属于两性表面活性剂!水包油型产品!

5  水溶性:           易溶于水


1 、氨水或其他碱性胺类物质的替代品;低味、低毒、低磷、具有调节PH值作用,用途相当广泛!

2 、能与铁、铜、锌等多种金属离子形成稳定的络合物,能溶解金属表面的微观氧化物,提高清洗过后金属表面的光泽度!对酸性除锈有良好的缓蚀作用,在高或者低PH下仍很稳定,不易水解,不易分解。当和其他表面活性剂复配使用时,表现出其他两性表面活性剂不具备的协同效应







1、230公斤塑料桶  本品为非易燃易爆易腐蚀危险品,储存于5-40℃通风干燥环境





There once was a rich feudal lord. He and his wife had a big farm. They wished everyone else would live as happily as they did. On one Christmas Eve, a beautifully decorated Christmas tree stood in their big hall, and firewood was burning vigorously. The couple invited all the poor children and their parents of the country to their house.

??Traditional Christmas meals were served to everyone, and people went back to their homes and talked about the dinner and the gifts. Kersten and Ole, who were working in a garden, received the gifts for their children and went back home. "Both masters are very kind, but that's because they are rich. They are enjoying themselves."

??"We have only four suits of clothes. Why didn't they give anything to Hans? Maybe it's because Hans is a cripple, so they forgot him." Hans was a very active and smart boy, but he had to stay in bed for five years because of his weak legs. "Oh, but I received a book for Hans" Hans was so happy because of the book. The thick fairy tale book had a lot to read and to think about deeply.

??Kersten and Ole were always complaining because they were always busy. "Some people have both happiness and wealth at the same time, but for other people, the only thing they have is poverty. Why do we have to suffer so much because of Adam and Eve? If we were Adam and Eve, we would not behave like them." "You would do same as they did. This book can tell you why."

??"What did the book say?" Hans read a story to his parents loudly. 'One woodcutter couple always complained that their unhappiness began because of Adam and Eve. At that time, a King was riding a horse and heard them and said, "Come to my palace with me. You can live as luxuriously as I can. You have seven kinds of wonderful dishes and deserts at every meal.

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